0 |
Air |
1 |
Stone |
1:1 |
Granite |
1:2 |
Polished Granite |
1:3 |
Diorite |
1:4 |
Polished Diorite |
1:5 |
Andesite |
1:6 |
Polished Andesite |
2 |
Grass |
3 |
Dirt |
3:1 |
Grassless Dirt |
3:2 |
Podzol |
4 |
Cobblestone |
5 |
Oak Wood Plank |
5:1 |
Spruce Wood Plank |
5:2 |
Birch Wood Plank |
5:3 |
Jungle Wood Plank |
5:4 |
Acacia Wood Plank |
5:5 |
Dark Oak Wood Plank |
6 |
Oak Sapling |
6:1 |
Spruce Sapling |
6:2 |
Birch Sapling |
6:3 |
Jungle Sapling |
6:4 |
Acacia Sapling |
6:5 |
Dark Oak Sapling |
7 |
Bedrock |
8 |
Water |
9 |
Stationary Water |
10 |
Lava |
11 |
Stationary Lava |
12 |
Sand |
12:1 |
Red Sand |
13 |
Gravel |
14 |
Gold Ore |
15 |
Iron Ore |
16 |
Coal Ore |
17 |
Oak Wood |
17:1 |
Spruce Wood |
17:2 |
Birch Wood |
17:3 |
Jungle Wood |
18 |
Oak Leaves |
18:1 |
Spruce Leaves |
18:2 |
Birch Leaves |
18:3 |
Jungle Leaves |
19 |
Sponge |
20 |
Glass |
21 |
Lapis Lazuli Ore |
22 |
Lapis Lazuli Block |
23 |
Dispenser |
24 |
Sandstone |
24:1 |
Chiseled Sandstone |
24:2 |
Smooth Sandstone |
25 |
Note Block |
26 |
Bed Block |
27 |
Powered Rail |
28 |
Detector Rail |
29 |
Sticky Piston |
30 |
Web |
31 |
Dead Shrub |
31:1 |
Grass |
31:2 |
Fern |
32 |
Dead Shrub |
33 |
Piston |
34 |
Piston Head |
35 |
White Wool |
35:1 |
Orange Wool |
35:2 |
Magenta Wool |
35:3 |
Light Blue Wool |
35:4 |
Yellow Wool |
35:5 |
Lime Wool |
35:6 |
Pink Wool |
35:7 |
Gray Wool |
35:8 |
Light Gray Wool |
35:9 |
Cyan Wool |
35:10 |
Purple Wool |
35:11 |
Blue Wool |
35:12 |
Brown Wool |
35:13 |
Green Wool |
35:14 |
Red Wool |
35:15 |
Black Wool |
37 |
Dandelion |
38 |
Poppy |
38:1 |
Blue Orchid |
38:2 |
Allium |
38:3 |
Azure Bluet |
38:4 |
Red Tulip |
38:5 |
Orange Tulip |
38:6 |
White Tulip |
38:7 |
Pink Tulip |
38:8 |
Oxeye Daisy |
39 |
Brown Mushroom |
40 |
Red Mushroom |
41 |
Gold Block |
42 |
Iron Block |
43 |
Double Stone Slab |
43:1 |
Double Sandstone Slab |
43:2 |
Double Wooden Slab |
43:3 |
Double Cobblestone Slab |
43:4 |
Double Brick Slab |
43:5 |
Double Stone Brick Slab |
43:6 |
Double Nether Brick Slab |
43:7 |
Double Quartz Slab |
44 |
Stone Slab |
44:1 |
Sandstone Slab |
44:2 |
Wooden Slab |
44:3 |
Cobblestone Slab |
44:4 |
Brick Slab |
44:5 |
Stone Brick Slab |
44:6 |
Nether Brick Slab |
44:7 |
Quartz Slab |
45 |
Brick |
46 |
47 |
Bookshelf |
48 |
Mossy Cobblestone |
49 |
Obsidian |
50 |
Torch |
51 |
Fire |
52 |
Monster Spawner |
53 |
Oak Wood Stairs |
54 |
Chest |
55 |
Redstone Wire |
56 |
Diamond Ore |
57 |
Diamond Block |
58 |
Workbench |
59 |
Wheat Crops |
60 |
Soil |
61 |
Furnace |
62 |
Burning Furnace |
63 |
Sign Post |
64 |
Wooden Door Block |
65 |
Ladder |
66 |
Rails |
67 |
Cobblestone Stairs |
68 |
Wall Sign |
69 |
Lever |
70 |
Stone Pressure Plate |
71 |
Iron Door Block |
72 |
Wooden Pressure Plate |
73 |
Redstone Ore |
74 |
Glowing Redstone Ore |
75 |
Redstone Torch (off) |
76 |
Redstone Torch (on) |
77 |
Stone Button |
78 |
Snow |
79 |
Ice |
80 |
Snow Block |
81 |
Cactus |
82 |
Clay |
83 |
Sugar Cane |
84 |
Jukebox |
85 |
Fence |
86 |
Pumpkin |
87 |
Netherrack |
88 |
Soul Sand |
89 |
Glowstone |
90 |
Portal |
91 |
Jack-O-Lantern |
92 |
Cake Block |
93 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) |
94 |
Redstone Repeater Block (on) |
95 |
White Stained Glass |
95:1 |
Orange Stained Glass |
95:2 |
Magenta Stained Glass |
95:3 |
Light Blue Stained Glass |
95:4 |
Yellow Stained Glass |
95:5 |
Lime Stained Glass |
95:6 |
Pink Stained Glass |
95:7 |
Gray Stained Glass |
95:8 |
Light Gray Stained Glass |
95:9 |
Cyan Stained Glass |
95:10 |
Purple Stained Glass |
95:11 |
Blue Stained Glass |
95:12 |
Brown Stained Glass |
95:13 |
Green Stained Glass |
95:14 |
Red Stained Glass |
95:15 |
Black Stained Glass |
96 |
Trapdoor |
97 |
Stone (Silverfish) |
97:1 |
Cobblestone (Silverfish) |
97:2 |
Stone Brick (Silverfish) |
97:3 |
Mossy Stone Brick (Silverfish) |
97:4 |
Cracked Stone Brick (Silverfish) |
97:5 |
Chiseled Stone Brick (Silverfish) |
98 |
Stone Brick |
98:1 |
Mossy Stone Brick |
98:2 |
Cracked Stone Brick |
98:3 |
Chiseled Stone Brick |
99 |
Red Mushroom Cap |
100 |
Brown Mushroom Cap |
101 |
Iron Bars |
102 |
Glass Pane |
103 |
Melon Block |
104 |
Pumpkin Stem |
105 |
Melon Stem |
106 |
Vines |
107 |
Fence Gate |
108 |
Brick Stairs |
109 |
Stone Brick Stairs |
110 |
Mycelium |
111 |
Lily Pad |
112 |
Nether Brick |
113 |
Nether Brick Fence |
114 |
Nether Brick Stairs |
115 |
Nether Wart |
116 |
Enchantment Table |
117 |
Brewing Stand |
118 |
Cauldron |
119 |
End Portal |
120 |
End Portal Frame |
121 |
End Stone |
122 |
Dragon Egg |
123 |
Redstone Lamp (inactive) |
124 |
Redstone Lamp (active) |
125 |
Double Oak Wood Slab |
125:1 |
Double Spruce Wood Slab |
125:2 |
Double Birch Wood Slab |
125:3 |
Double Jungle Wood Slab |
125:4 |
Double Acacia Wood Slab |
125:5 |
Double Dark Oak Wood Slab |
126 |
Oak Wood Slab |
126:1 |
Spruce Wood Slab |
126:2 |
Birch Wood Slab |
126:3 |
Jungle Wood Slab |
126:4 |
Acacia Wood Slab |
126:5 |
Dark Oak Wood Slab |
127 |
Cocoa Plant |
128 |
Sandstone Stairs |
129 |
Emerald Ore |
130 |
Ender Chest |
131 |
Tripwire Hook |
132 |
Tripwire |
133 |
Emerald Block |
134 |
Spruce Wood Stairs |
135 |
Birch Wood Stairs |
136 |
Jungle Wood Stairs |
137 |
Command Block |
138 |
Beacon Block |
139 |
Cobblestone Wall |
139:1 |
Mossy Cobblestone Wall |
140 |
Flower Pot |
141 |
Carrots |
142 |
Potatoes |
143 |
Wooden Button |
144 |
Mob Head |
145 |
Anvil |
146 |
Trapped Chest |
147 |
Weighted Pressure Plate (light) |
148 |
Weighted Pressure Plate (heavy) |
149 |
Redstone Comparator (inactive) |
150 |
Redstone Comparator (active) |
151 |
Daylight Sensor |
152 |
Redstone Block |
153 |
Nether Quartz Ore |
154 |
Hopper |
155 |
Quartz Block |
155:1 |
Chiseled Quartz Block |
155:2 |
Pillar Quartz Block |
156 |
Quartz Stairs |
157 |
Activator Rail |
158 |
Dropper |
159 |
White Stained Clay |
159:1 |
Orange Stained Clay |
159:2 |
Magenta Stained Clay |
159:3 |
Light Blue Stained Clay |
159:4 |
Yellow Stained Clay |
159:5 |
Lime Stained Clay |
159:6 |
Pink Stained Clay |
159:7 |
Gray Stained Clay |
159:8 |
Light Gray Stained Clay |
159:9 |
Cyan Stained Clay |
159:10 |
Purple Stained Clay |
159:11 |
Blue Stained Clay |
159:12 |
Brown Stained Clay |
159:13 |
Green Stained Clay |
159:14 |
Red Stained Clay |
159:15 |
Black Stained Clay |
160 |
White Stained Glass Pane |
160:1 |
Orange Stained Glass Pane |
160:2 |
Magenta Stained Glass Pane |
160:3 |
Light Blue Stained Glass Pane |
160:4 |
Yellow Stained Glass Pane |
160:5 |
Lime Stained Glass Pane |
160:6 |
Pink Stained Glass Pane |
160:7 |
Gray Stained Glass Pane |
160:8 |
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane |
160:9 |
Cyan Stained Glass Pane |
160:10 |
Purple Stained Glass Pane |
160:11 |
Blue Stained Glass Pane |
160:12 |
Brown Stained Glass Pane |
160:13 |
Green Stained Glass Pane |
160:14 |
Red Stained Glass Pane |
160:15 |
Black Stained Glass Pane |
161 |
Acacia Leaves |
161:1 |
Dark Oak Leaves |
162 |
Acacia Wood |
162:1 |
Dark Oak Wood |
163 |
Acacia Wood Stairs |
164 |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs |
165 |
Slime Block |
166 |
Barrier |
167 |
Iron Trapdoor |
170 |
Hay Bale |
171 |
White Carpet |
171:1 |
Orange Carpet |
171:2 |
Magenta Carpet |
171:3 |
Light Blue Carpet |
171:4 |
Yellow Carpet |
171:5 |
Lime Carpet |
171:6 |
Pink Carpet |
171:7 |
Gray Carpet |
171:8 |
Light Gray Carpet |
171:9 |
Cyan Carpet |
171:10 |
Purple Carpet |
171:11 |
Blue Carpet |
171:12 |
Brown Carpet |
171:13 |
Green Carpet |
171:14 |
Red Carpet |
171:15 |
Black Carpet |
172 |
Hardened Clay |
173 |
Block of Coal |
174 |
Packed Ice |
175 |
Sunflower |
175:1 |
Lilac |
175:2 |
Double Tallgrass |
175:3 |
Large Fern |
175:4 |
Rose Bush |
175:5 |
Peony |
256 |
Iron Shovel |
257 |
Iron Pickaxe |
258 |
Iron Axe |
259 |
Flint and Steel |
260 |
Apple |
261 |
Bow |
262 |
Arrow |
263 |
Coal |
263:1 |
Charcoal |
264 |
Diamond |
265 |
Iron Ingot |
266 |
Gold Ingot |
267 |
Iron Sword |
268 |
Wooden Sword |
269 |
Wooden Shovel |
270 |
Wooden Pickaxe |
271 |
Wooden Axe |
272 |
Stone Sword |
273 |
Stone Shovel |
274 |
Stone Pickaxe |
275 |
Stone Axe |
276 |
Diamond Sword |
277 |
Diamond Shovel |
278 |
Diamond Pickaxe |
279 |
Diamond Axe |
280 |
Stick |
281 |
Bowl |
282 |
Mushroom Soup |
283 |
Gold Sword |
284 |
Gold Shovel |
285 |
Gold Pickaxe |
286 |
Gold Axe |
287 |
String |
288 |
Feather |
289 |
Sulphur |
290 |
Wooden Hoe |
291 |
Stone Hoe |
292 |
Iron Hoe |
293 |
Diamond Hoe |
294 |
Gold Hoe |
295 |
Wheat Seeds |
296 |
Wheat |
297 |
Bread |
298 |
Leather Helmet |
299 |
Leather Chestplate |
300 |
Leather Leggings |
301 |
Leather Boots |
302 |
Chainmail Helmet |
303 |
Chainmail Chestplate |
304 |
Chainmail Leggings |
305 |
Chainmail Boots |
306 |
Iron Helmet |
307 |
Iron Chestplate |
308 |
Iron Leggings |
309 |
Iron Boots |
310 |
Diamond Helmet |
311 |
Diamond Chestplate |
312 |
Diamond Leggings |
313 |
Diamond Boots |
314 |
Gold Helmet |
315 |
Gold Chestplate |
316 |
Gold Leggings |
317 |
Gold Boots |
318 |
Flint |
319 |
Raw Porkchop |
320 |
Cooked Porkchop |
321 |
Painting |
322 |
Golden Apple |
322:1 |
Enchanted Golden Apple |
323 |
Sign |
324 |
Wooden Door |
325 |
Bucket |
326 |
Water Bucket |
327 |
Lava Bucket |
328 |
Minecart |
329 |
Saddle |
330 |
Iron Door |
331 |
Redstone |
332 |
Snowball |
333 |
Boat |
334 |
Leather |
335 |
Milk Bucket |
336 |
Clay Brick |
337 |
Clay Balls |
338 |
Sugarcane |
339 |
Paper |
340 |
Book |
341 |
Slimeball |
342 |
Storage Minecart |
343 |
Powered Minecart |
344 |
Egg |
345 |
Compass |
346 |
Fishing Rod |
347 |
Clock |
348 |
Glowstone Dust |
349 |
Raw Fish |
349:1 |
Raw Salmon |
349:2 |
Clownfish |
349:3 |
Pufferfish |
350 |
Cooked Fish |
350:1 |
Cooked Salmon |
351 |
Ink Sack |
351:1 |
Rose Red |
351:2 |
Cactus Green |
351:3 |
Coco Beans |
351:4 |
Lapis Lazuli |
351:5 |
Purple Dye |
351:6 |
Cyan Dye |
351:7 |
Light Gray Dye |
351:8 |
Gray Dye |
351:9 |
Pink Dye |
351:10 |
Lime Dye |
351:11 |
Dandelion Yellow |
351:12 |
Light Blue Dye |
351:13 |
Magenta Dye |
351:14 |
Orange Dye |
351:15 |
Bone Meal |
352 |
Bone |
353 |
Sugar |
354 |
Cake |
355 |
Bed |
356 |
Redstone Repeater |
357 |
Cookie |
358 |
Map |
359 |
Shears |
360 |
Melon |
361 |
Pumpkin Seeds |
362 |
Melon Seeds |
363 |
Raw Beef |
364 |
Steak |
365 |
Raw Chicken |
366 |
Cooked Chicken |
367 |
Rotten Flesh |
368 |
Ender Pearl |
369 |
Blaze Rod |
370 |
Ghast Tear |
371 |
Gold Nugget |
372 |
Nether Wart Seeds |
373 |
Potion |
374 |
Glass Bottle |
375 |
Spider Eye |
376 |
Fermented Spider Eye |
377 |
Blaze Powder |
378 |
Magma Cream |
379 |
Brewing Stand |
380 |
Cauldron |
381 |
Eye of Ender |
382 |
Glistering Melon |
383:50 |
Spawn Creeper |
383:51 |
Spawn Skeleton |
383:52 |
Spawn Spider |
383:54 |
Spawn Zombie |
383:55 |
Spawn Slime |
383:56 |
Spawn Ghast |
383:57 |
Spawn Pigman |
383:58 |
Spawn Enderman |
383:59 |
Spawn Cave Spider |
383:60 |
Spawn Silverfish |
383:61 |
Spawn Blaze |
383:62 |
Spawn Magma Cube |
383:65 |
Spawn Bat |
383:66 |
Spawn Witch |
383:90 |
Spawn Pig |
383:91 |
Spawn Sheep |
383:92 |
Spawn Cow |
383:93 |
Spawn Chicken |
383:94 |
Spawn Squid |
383:95 |
Spawn Wolf |
383:96 |
Spawn Mooshroom |
383:98 |
Spawn Ocelot |
383:100 |
Spawn Horse |
383:120 |
Spawn Villager |
384 |
Bottle o' Enchanting |
385 |
Fire Charge |
386 |
Book and Quill |
387 |
Written Book |
388 |
Emerald |
389 |
Item Frame |
390 |
Flower Pot |
391 |
Carrot |
392 |
Potato |
393 |
Baked Potato |
394 |
Poisonous Potato |
395 |
Map |
396 |
Golden Carrot |
397 |
Mob Head (Skeleton) |
397:1 |
Mob Head (Wither Skeleton) |
397:2 |
Mob Head (Zombie) |
397:3 |
Mob Head (Human) |
397:4 |
Mob Head (Creeper) |
398 |
Carrot on a Stick |
399 |
Nether Star |
400 |
Pumpkin Pie |
401 |
Firework Rocket |
402 |
Firework Star |
403 |
Enchanted Book |
404 |
Redstone Comparator |
405 |
Nether Brick |
406 |
Nether Quartz |
407 |
Minecart with TNT |
408 |
Minecart with Hopper |
417 |
Iron Horse Armor |
418 |
Gold Horse Armor |
419 |
Diamond Horse Armor |
420 |
Lead |
421 |
Name Tag |
422 |
Minecart with Command Block |
2256 |
13 Disc |
2257 |
Cat Disc |
2258 |
Blocks Disc |
2259 |
Chirp Disc |
2260 |
Far Disc |
2261 |
Mall Disc |
2262 |
Mellohi Disc |
2263 |
Stal Disc |
2264 |
Strad Disc |
2265 |
Ward Disc |
2266 |
11 Disc |
2267 |
Wait Disc |